The Hidden Power and Creativity of the Scarf
At first glance, a scarf might not seem like much—just a simple length of colored fabric. However, the more one delves into the history of scarves, the more one realizes the immense and varied power of these pieces of clothing. Fashion Most obviously, scarves have been used in Western countries as a fashion accessory. This practice goes back to the 18 th century (if not earlier), when women began wearing large kerchiefs or “fichus” to cover bodices with low necklines. The trend started in the UK and became popular in the United States and France. In addition to helping women maintain an air of modesty, fichus and scarves could add a touch of flair to an ensemble. In the early days of the scarf, one especially popular style was a lightweight shawl made of silk and cashmere. Napoleon’s first wife, Empress Joséphine, had an impressively large collection of them. Status and Prestige Scarves are still a mainstay of high fashion. As such, a scarf can also si...